If you’re injured in the course of your service and that injury results in a disability, you should be eligible to pursue disability benefits with the Department of Veterans Affairs. When you file your claim with the VA, their team of doctors will review your case and perform a medical exam to assess the extent of your disability. Though those exams can result in fair disability ratings, they can also downplay the severity of your injuries and the way your disability impacts your life. That’s where an independent medical examination can help.
What Is an Independent Medical Examination (IME)?
An independent medical examination or IME is a medical exam performed by a neutral doctor who is neither an employee of the VA or your primary care practitioner. This exam is commonly used to appeal low disability ratings or claim denials for veterans who should qualify for disability benefits.
By choosing a neutral doctor, the aim is to ensure that the examination is accurate and performed without any stake in the situation. The doctor is able to focus on performing the exam and adequately assessing your disability without any sense of loyalty to you as an established patient or the Department of Veterans Affairs as an employer.
The Benefits of Seeking an IME
Seeking an IME can seem like an unnecessary extra step in the process. However, there are a few benefits that your Ohio VA disability attorney knows you may see by seeking an independent examination as part of your disability claim.
Strengthens Your Appeal
If your claim was denied or the VA assigned you a disability rating that is too low for your actual condition, seeking an IME can strengthen your appeal. Your independent doctor will assess your disability from a truly neutral perspective. This can strengthen your appeal by giving the VA another layer of proof to review when reviewing your claim.
Helps Show Service Connections
One of the biggest challenges associated with getting a fair disability rating is being able to prove that the injuries and disability are related to your service. Doctors performing IMEs know to look for those service connections and can more adequately include evidence in their reports linking your disability to the injuries you received in service.
Gives You a Reliable Second Opinion
When the VA tells you that your disabilities aren’t as severe as you believe they are, it’s easy to question yourself or to assume that you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. And while the VA’s doctors try to be impartial and accurate in their assessment, they may end up missing certain connections or downplaying your injuries. By seeking an IME, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your condition is being taken seriously.
If their exam shows that the VA doctor’s assessment was correct, you can rest easy knowing that you’re getting the benefits you’re entitled to. But if their exam shows that the VA’s disability rating is too low, you’ll have grounds to contest their rating and will be more likely to have a successful appeal.
How to Find a Qualified Physician
Finding a qualified doctor to perform your IME doesn’t have to be difficult. You’re free to search for qualified doctors on your own, or you can let your VA disability attorney help you find a doctor who you can trust to be impartial and accurate in their assessment. If you’re thinking of pursuing an independent medical examination to support your disability appeal, speak with your attorney and let them help you find the right physician.
Need Help Navigating Your VA Disability Claim?
At Veterans Law Attorneys, our team is proud to help veterans get the medical care and compensation they deserve. If your claim has been denied and you want help filing an appeal or you’re worried about the strength of your initial claim, don’t try to navigate the process on your own. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and see how an experienced Ohio VA disability attorney can help with your claim.