When you go to the VA hospital for treatment, whether it’s for a minor condition or an extensive surgery, you expect their doctors to treat your condition to the best of their ability. While many veterans who rely on the VA for their healthcare needs receive quality care, accidents and mistakes can happen. If you suffer from an accident or mistake at the hands of a VA doctor, you may be eligible to file a medical malpractice claim. Here are a few signs that it’s time to work with an Ohio VA medical malpractice attorney and explore your options.

veteran medical malpractice

Your Condition Got Worse After Treatment

When you seek medical treatment, your condition should improve after receiving care provided the physician treats your condition correctly. If your condition worsened after you received treatment when the doctor firmly believed your condition would improve, you may want to speak with an Ohio VA medical malpractice attorney. If the doctor made a mistake or failed to adequately treat your condition based on the established standard of care, you may have a malpractice claim.

The Doctor Performed the Wrong Procedure

Prior to surgery, doctors should review your chart and discuss the procedure with you to make sure you’re informed and understand what to expect. This also gives them a chance to make sure they understand which procedure they’re supposed to perform. While this works in many cases, there have been incidents where the doctor performed the wrong surgery or operated on the wrong extremity. 

If you’ve recently had surgery only to discover that the doctor performed the wrong procedure, you should speak with a VA medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible. You have a clear malpractice claim and deserve compensation for your pain and suffering as well as your medical expenses.

You Suffered From a Medication Error

Modern medications can treat many conditions when administered correctly. But if you receive the wrong medication or your doctor prescribes a drug that negatively interacts with other medications they’re aware that you’re taking, you may have a malpractice claim. It’s your doctor’s responsibility to review your current medications and review your condition before prescribing any medication. Failure to do so could mean they’re liable for malpractice. 

If you received the wrong medication, were prescribed a medication that interacts with other known medications, or were instructed to take the medication incorrectly, schedule a consultation with a VA medical malpractice attorney. They’ll be able to review your case and help you decide if filing a malpractice claim is right for your situation.

You Didn’t Receive the Necessary Aftercare

After any procedure, your doctor is supposed to follow up with you to make sure you’re recovering and that the procedure went as well as could be expected. If your doctor doesn’t follow up with you or doesn’t provide you with adequate care after the procedure, you may have a malpractice claim.

How a Medical Malpractice Claim Could Help You

If you believe you’re the victim of malpractice at the hands of a VA medical care provider, filing a medical malpractice claim could help you hold your medical care provider accountable for their actions. If the claim is successful, you could recover compensation to help cover your expenses resulting from your condition as well as any pain and suffering you experience from the medical care you received. Even better, you may be able to protect others from falling victim to malpractice at the hands of the doctor you’re suing.

Speak With a VA Medical Malpractice Attorney

If you believe you’re the victim of malpractice, don’t wait. Schedule a consultation with an experienced Ohio VA medical malpractice attorney at Veterans Law Attorneys. Our team will review your case and help you figure out your best path forward. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 

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