amputee veteran

What is Special Monthly Compensation?

Special Monthly Compensation (SMC) is an additional benefit paid to veterans who have service-connected disabilities on top of their regular VA disability compensation. This benefit is only offered in special circumstances for veterans who have a severe life-interfering disability. In this blog, we will give an overview of what SMC is, who can receive it,…

Disabled Veteran

Filing for VA Disability Benefits for Agent Orange Exposure

Agent Orange was a herbicide blend utilized by the U.S. military in Vietnam from 1962 to 1971 to eliminate vegetation that could conceal enemy forces. Exposure to Agent Orange has been linked to many health issues in veterans, including: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and more. Understanding how to file for VA disability benefits related to…

ohio va benefits

What Does 100% VA Disability Get You in Ohio?

Earning a 100% VA disability rating signifies a veteran’s service-connected condition prevents them from holding gainful employment. While this acknowledges the severity of their situation, the true value lies in the benefits it unlocks, particularly in a state like Ohio with a strong commitment to veterans’ well-being. Let’s explore the tangible advantages a 100% VA…

military discharge upgrade

Does Your Military Discharge Upgrade Automatically?

The idea of an automatic military discharge upgrade is a common misconception. Many veterans believe their discharge characterization, such as Other Than Honorable (OTH) or General (Under Honorable Conditions) will improve over time. This is unfortunately not the case. Military discharge upgrades require a proactive approach and meeting specific criteria. Understanding Military Discharge Characterizations Understanding…